
Problem setting. The features of an innovative society as a new type of social development are considered. The problems of the formation of a research university as a modification of classical universities in the context of modern global challenges are revealed. The main characteristics of research universities are presented. The innovative infrastructure of a research university is analyzed, which integrates the main components of its intellectual activity. The essence and mechanism of knowledge transfer in research universities are revealed. The international experience of knowledge transfer based on research universities is analyzed. Target of research. The purpose of this work is to determine the nature and mechanism of knowledge transfer in research universities. Analysis of recent researches and publications. In modern conditions, the phenomenon of knowledge transfer by the research university is a very important issue, as evidenced by the large number of publications in the modern scientific literature. It should be noted that Ukrainian scientists (V. Antonyuk, L. Antoshkina, I. Bondar, L. Lisogor. I. Kalenyuk, O. Karpenko, S. Katsura, O. Levchenko, V. Limar, V. L. Semiv, etc.) and foreign scientists (T. Takeushi, K. Beylon, G. Itzkowitz, D. Bell, M. Boysot, J. Dunning, W. Keller, F. Mahlup, M. Porat, etc. .). Despite the great attention of prominent scientists to the study of the above problem, some aspects of it still remain undiscovered. Article’s main body. One of the creative components of the national innovation system are universities, which are designed to train highly qualified personnel for the innovation sphere, are actively engaged in research, generation of new knowledge and technologies. The modernization of classical universities resulted in the emergence of research universities. There are three ways to create research universities. The first way is to select a small number of national universities, of the appropriate level and capacity, which are improved through additional budget funding. The second approach is based on the merging of existing universities into one new one, which corresponds to world indicators. The third direction involves the creation of new world-class universities “from scratch”. Generation of new scientific knowledge and educational activities are the two main pillars of the research university. The university, which is based on the concept of the “knowledge triangle”, also carries out a third type of activity related to the production of innovations. The implementation of innovative activities requires a system of its organization. It is called the knowledge transfer system. Knowledge transfer should ensure the transfer of knowledge, including technology, experience and skills, from the university to external customers – enterprises, public and government agencies, leading to innovation in the economy and the public sphere. The category of “knowledge transfer” is a fairly broad category. It includes the transfer of both explicit and implicit knowledge, both commercial and non-commercial activities. Compared to it, “technology transfer” is a narrower category. Conclusions and prospects for the development. For research and knowledge transfer in research universities, an innovative structure is formed, which integrates the four components of his intellectual activity. They are: • education (innovative educational programs); • research and production facilities (business incubator, technology park, laboratories, etc.); • structures that support innovation (offices of transfer and commercialization of innovation results); • structures that provide management of innovation activities and innovation infrastructure. The most important forms of implementation of the institute of knowledge transfer on the basis of research universities are business incubation, technology transfer center (CTT), technology park, research and educational centers (REC), etc.

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