
: The Karnataka Learning Management System (KLMS) is a cloud-based platform that provides educational resources and tools to students and educators. It is developed and maintained by Department of collegiate Education, Government of Karnataka. It is being used by college teachers in varying degrees for varying purposes.: The utilization of Information Technology (IT) has become increasingly important for the dissemination of knowledge. Specialized platforms such as online Learning Management Systems (LMS) are fostering knowledge sharing among college educators, who are demonstrating a growing interest in employing such online platforms The Karnataka LMS e-learning portal is one such LMS and this study aims to quantitatively assess the extent of usage, and has objective of examination of the perception and identifying challenges in using this educational portal.: Survey by questionnaire, collection of data and its analysis and finally hypotheses testing were used in this study.: Daily visit to the portal had the highest per cent representation showing teachers regularly used LMS portal to a large extent and also it came out that they preferred uploading of videos. Major obstacles were lack of knowledge sharing culture among colleagues and excess academic workload.: The findings reveal that a predominant majority of the academic staff exhibits a positive disposition towards knowledge sharing. However, challenges impede the promotion and utilization of the Learning Management System (LMS) Portal for Knowledge Sharing.

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