
France is geographically located in a central maritime position within the European Union (EU). Consequently, the experience gained and the solutions proposed in France may be of interest within a much wider geographical and institutional framework. The EU directives and regulations and the international treaties and conventions bind it. Among the 'tools' for environmental protection and management of the environment, we must point out: the Conservatory of Coastal Areas and Lakeshores, the 'Littoral' Law of 1 March 1986, the international conventions and European Directives (birds and habitats), the Inventory of the Flora and Fauna in Natural Marine Zones of Ecological Interest (ZNIEFF-Mer), the Mediterranean Blue Plan, the Barcelona Convention. More specially, we would enhance the practical interest, in the frame of the France's Strategic Action Plan for the marine environment, of the ZNIEFFs-Mer, the LITEAU (Littoral Eau) Program of the Ministry of the Environment, the French Marine Protected Areas Agency (MPAA). They are likely to lead to the protection of the littoral marine environment and beyond in the EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone), along with a reasoned sustainable management of this environment. Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) is the method that has the best chance of success. In addition, the international scientific community has developed the concept of ecosystem-based management of marine resources, integrating a distinct human component into this 'eco-socio-system'. The role and the authority of the European Environment Agency must be increased in order to strengthen the cooperative links between the scientists in European countries. 2 of marine territory in EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone), is present in all the oceans of the world, except the Arctic. The country's marine territories cover more than 10% of the world's coral reefs. It plays a very important role in accumulating knowledge about the world's natural heritage and marine resources, as well as knowledge about their exploitation, protection and conservation and thus the sustainable management of the sea. But, it is only recently, at the beginning of 1970s, that France, strongly rooted in the land, has begun reaching out decisively towards the sea. The successive administrations of not only the former French monarchies but also the country's first Republics, particularly after Napoleon's great sea defeats at the beginning of the 19th century, attempted to protect the country's terrestrial borders and develop the richness of its agriculture. The French Navy, maritime transport and fishing would develop over the course of time but without any true national environmental protection policy.

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