
The descriptive study conducted to assess the knowledge on tuberculosis among students of higher secondary school, Lalitpur, Nepal was carried out utilizing non-probability purposive sampling technique among +2 students. The analysis of the data revealed that all the respondents had little knowledge about tuberculosis. Among those, 92% respondents got information from media and teachers, 90% respondents received from newspaper and health-worker. Majority of the respondents (80%) said that tuberculosis is the communicable bacterial diseases whereas 12% said that it is hereditary diseases, majority of the respondents (80%) said that bacteria are the causative organism of the tuberculosis. The entire respondent knew that TB is curable disease but they lack knowledge about diagnostic feature of TB and DOTS treatment therapy and its duration. In regard to the detection of the tuberculosis, majority (94%) of the respondents said sputum test and chest X-ray help to detect tuberculosis, 90% said on the basis of sign and symptoms. Only 10% respondents had heard about mountex test. Among them, 40% said skin is taken as the sample unit for mountex test as well as 20 (40%) said that blood as sample. More than two third (78%) knew that the patients should not be admitted in hospital to receive treatment. More than half (56%) had heard about DOTS for the treatment of tuberculosis. Among those, 28% knew that DOTS is taken for 6-8 months. In the nut shell, knowledge on TB among students of higher secondary school should be promoted through enhancement of relevant health education. The knowledge should be raised through media, various awareness programs through involvement of parents, teachers and health personnel. Proper knowledge about tuberculosis will provoke a way to prevent the spread and management of TB through proper treatment in this developing world.

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