
Objective: The aim of our research was to find out, if university students of humanities and social sciences at five Slovak public universities have theoretical prerequisites for intercultural competencies mainly needed in multicultural healthcare. These concrete theoretical prerequisites are dealing with knowledge regarding Islamic teachings on: family; female infanticide; reproduction; usage of assisted reproduction technologies; and induced abortion. Design: Research study. Participants: Overall 1000 students at 5 Slovak public universities (at each n=200). Methods: Empirical research was done using our own questionnaire. Verification of our three hypotheses has been done using the method of statistical testing for testing hypotheses on equality of parameters of two alternative divisions with large selection ranges. Results: Responses to questions concerning definition of marriage in Islam (Questions #1 - 3) have shown, that both male and female students have proved better knowledge of this issue than in the case of the area concerning possibilities of use of reproductive medicine achievements in Islam. Responses to question (Question #4) regarding Muhammad´s attitude to feminine infanticide have shown that men, in comparison to women, have manifested more radical (more numerous) inclination to the answer that Muhammad entrusted fathers with decision on its performance. Responses to questions dealing with possibilities to use reproductive medicine achievements in Islam (Questions #5-7) have shown that female, in comparison to male students, have manifested more radical (more numerous) rejective position. Conclusion: Knowledge of marriage and reproductive issues in Islam among students stays at historical level, what causes a problem not to be able to understand and respect contemporary needs of Muslim patients in the frame of an holistic approach in multicultural healthcare and social work in Slovakia. Improvements in current curriculum concerning students´ intercultural competencies mainly connected to an understanding of standpoints of Muslim believers concerning their social foundations, health and entire well-being are inevitable.

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