
Hypertension is one of the non-communicable diseases that is becoming a global problem. Hypertension is characterized by systolic blood pressure of 140 mmHg and diastolic 90 mmHg (according to JNC VIII). Uncontrolled hypertension can lead to complications such as stroke, ischemic heart disease, heart attack, heart failure, kidney failure, blindness, etc.
 According to Basic Health Research (Riskesdas 2018) the prevalence of hypertension for >18 years is 8.4%, and through measurements taken in health care facilities by 34.1%. Prevalence in the city was 34.4%, in the village was 33.7%, while according to gender 31.3% (male) and 36.9% (female).
 The purpose of the study was to find out the knowledge and awareness of laypeople on hypertension and its therapy. This was a cross-sectional online study with 11 questions. Respondents were recruited from social media groups. Results: five hundred respondents (62.8 % female, 37.2 % male). The most age range at the age 21-40 years (36.2 %), 41-55 years (38.2%) and 56-65 years old (18.4%). Seventy-two percent of respondents did not have hypertension, and 9% said they did not know. Fifty-three percent of respondents know about the value of high blood pressure, and 89% respondents said hypertension should be treated regularly. The most hypertension complications answered by respondents were stroke (40%), heart attack (26%) and heart failure (16%). Amlodipine was the most mentioned by respondents, the second was ACE-inhibitor. However, omeprazole and omega-3 also mentioned as anti-hypertension. Genetic and a diet high in salt were risk factors that many respondents chose. Conclusion: Respondents have a good understanding on hypertension. Information related to behaviour is needed, so that prevalence does not continue to increase.

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