
ABSTRACT Human-computer interaction for development (HCI4D) operates at the intersection of Human-computer interaction (HCI) and information and communication technology for development (ICT4D). The interdisciplinary nature complicates knowledge transfer and articulation between the disciplines contributing to the HCI4D domain. This paper proposes a conceptual framework to highlight the core issues and domain questions in HCI4D towards supporting knowledge mobilization between researchers in HCI4D and the related fields. This paper presents an overview of the HCI4D literature (2007–2017) which investigated the domain questions, including the core issues, focus areas, the phenomena of interest, target users and the research methods. The findings were presented as a conceptual framework which comprises the core issues and salient elements for each of the domain questions. This framework was evaluated and checked against 2017–2019 literature to propose a final HCI4D knowledge mobilization framework (HCI4D_KMF). The contribution lies in knowledge transfer and articulation towards enriching discussions on HCI4D research.

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