
Poland has made substantial progress in improving the quality of its education system in recent years. This paper aims to describe the situation of the Polish education system from a knowledge management perspective and, to some extent, through innovation policies in education. The many challenges, this paper argues, can be tackled only through more knowledge-intensive and evidence-based educational policies. This paper also develops the concept of ‘knowledge mobilisation’ as a more applicable tool, given the current situation in Poland, than ‘knowledge management’, and describes crucial parameters characterising it. Despite recent achievements of the Polish system of education in PISA tests, there remain substantial weaknesses such as, quality of teacher training, focus on past achievements and a reactive approach. Knowledge resources are not evenly distributed which means that too often appropriate knowledge is not available where needed. Based on analysis of current data and previous studies, this paper provides evidence in support of utilisation of ‘knowledge management’ and ‘knowledge mobilisation’ as effective remedies for the ailments of the Polish education system.

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