
This research is a development of the role of knowledge management, transformational leadership and Employee Engagement on the performance of private employees in the city of Makassar. The number of respondents who contributed to filling out the questionnaire during this research was as many as 295 with various types of work fields and also their respective expertise. Knowledge management becomes an important thing because its application requires follow-up from both parties, namely the organization and also the employees themselves, so it is very interesting to see this phenomenon occur. While transformational leadership is considered to be an elegant model of leadership suitable for many types of organizations, this requires further verification. Meanwhile, employee engagement is an interesting issue because the composition of workers in the world of work today has entered various types of generations that work culturally have different perspectives on work than previous generations. This research is a quantitative approach using SmartPLS 4 Software as a tool in managing existing data. The results of the study show that directly and indirectly all variables that are independent of the bound have an influence and are significant, while the role of transformational leadership as a moderator of the relationship between knowledge management and performance is not able to strengthen this relationship. Based on this research it can be said that the important role of knowledge management.

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