
In the second half of the twentieth century in Brazil, several nuclear facilities were built for the most varied objectives. The largest number of such facilities is at the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute in São Paulo (IPEN-CNEN/SP). For different reasons, some of these facilities had their projects finalized and were deactivated. Some of the equipment was then dismantled, but the respective nuclear and radioactive material remained isolated in the original sites awaiting the proper decommissioning procedures. The Celeste Project is an example of a facility where the nuclear material has been kept, and is subject to Argentine-Brazilian Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials (ABACC) periodic inspections. Because of a number of interests, including financial and/or budgeting situations at the institutions, decades have passed without any further action, and the people who withold information and knowledge about these facilities have already moved away from the area or are in the process of. Therefore, because of the absence of knowledge management techniques in force at the time of establishing and operating these installations, this work proposes an analysis about the possible consequences in case of loss of perhaps the only one remaining knowledge, the one from the people who designed those departments and worked there.


  • Management with focus in knowledge is a recently new subject and consists in identifying and analyzing the existing knowledge, which help in the optimization on development of some process

  • After fulfilling its historical role, the IPEN Conversion Area enabled the development of the Brazilian nuclear technology, besides developing and encouraging the human resources area, training engineers, researchers and technicians in the execution of any operation, whether collecting scientific and/or technological data, or collection of production data involving the most diverse chemical processes that integrate the existing processing units [5]

  • Many questions related to the data, information, technologies and knowledge generated by these activities led to the following questions: Where are they? Are they organized? What is the safekeeping situation? Can they be recovered? The search for answers refers to the topic of Knowledge Management, an area of science that can help us optimize such management

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Management with focus in knowledge is a recently new subject and consists in identifying and analyzing the existing knowledge, which help in the optimization on development of some process (such as a company). A few millenia before Christ, Mesopotamian peoples used imprinted symbols to disseminate their history, technologies and events. Another great example of knowledge management, considered as a model for centuries even after its destruction, is the Library of Alexandria, established in the third century BC, which was part of Mouseion, which means Museum, a religious and scientific institution that fostered a great number of researches. Just like the Library of Alexandria, the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN) exists with the mission of developing research and transmitting knowledge and information about the nuclear area, exposing its multidisciplinarity. The objective of this work is to evaluate how the knowledge management strategy and science can contribute in the long term for the preservation of information that guarantees the safety of nuclear installations in their decommissioning processes

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