
The goal of educational methods is to allow the pupil the acquisition of knowledge. Even so, the way in which this aim is pursued originates four different currents of methods sorted by two criteria: (1) who leads the educational process and (2) requirement of pupil physical attendance. Regarding the former criterion, the process may be conducted either by the teacher—Teaching-Oriented Process—or by the pupil—Learning-Oriented Process. Obviously, both processes have the same aim: the interiorization and comprehension of knowledge by the pupil. But the difference between them is based on the distinctive procedure followed in each case to achieve the common goal. Regarding the second criterion, the methods may or may not require pupil attendance. Bearing in mind this classification, four different types of educational methods could be described: 1. Teaching Method: This includes the already known classic educational methods, the Conductivity Theory (Good & Brophy, 1990) being the foremost one. This method is characterized by the fact that the teacher has the heavier role during education—the transmission of knowledge. 2. E-Teaching Method: This second type comes from the expansion and popularity of communication networks, especially the Internet. This method brings the teacher to the physical location of the pupil; one of its most important representative elements is the videoconference. 3. Learning Method: This constitutes a new vision of the educational process, since the teacher acts as a guide and reinforcement for the pupil. The educational process has the heavier role in this method. In other words, the teacher creates a need for learning and afterwards provides the pupil with the necessary means in order to fill these created requests. Piaget Constructionist Theory is one of the most remarkable methods for this (Piaget, 1972, 1998). 4. E-Learning Method: This method is supported both by learning methods and by the expansion of communication networks in order to facilitate access to education with no physical or temporal dependence from pupil or teacher. As in learning methods, the pupil, not the teacher, is the one who sets the learning rhythm.

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