
This study was carried out in the Meerut district of Uttar Pradesh to evaluate the current situation of mango orchardists with the objective, Knowledge level of mango orchardists in connection to various practices of mango orchardists. With the assistance of progressive orchardists and the local pradhan, 10 orchardists were randomly selected from each preferred village, making a total sample size of 80 orchardists for the current study. The structured schedule was developed keeping in view the objectives and variables to be studied. The respondents were contacted personally for data collection. Out of 14 cultivation practices i.e. agricultural practices of Mango cultivation, the majority (56.25%) under high-level knowledge of improved varieties of mango. Most of the orchardists (63.75%) were medium level of knowledge the land preparation practices. It was found that (62.50%) of orchardists had a medium level of expertise in plantation procedures. About (66.25%) had medium level of knowledge the manures and fertilizers application. The majority (72.50%) were medium level of knowledge irrigation management. The majority of orchardists (48.75%) had a moderate degree of expertise on plant protection strategies. It was noted that the majority of orchardists (63.75%) have extensive understanding of the proper harvesting technique. From the orchardists (67.50%) were medium level of knowledge about yields take to bearing of fruit plant. The majority (55.00%) were low level of knowledge about the use of plant growth regulators. It was found that (58.75%) were high level of knowledge about the suitable inter crops. It was observed that the most of the orchardists (38.75%) were reported under medium level of knowledge about the storage of fruits after harvesting. It was noted that (45.00%) of orchardists had low levels of packaging of mango fruits for sale at nearby markets. The majority of orchardists (42.50%) were found to have limited expertise of how to package mango fruits for sale at distant markets. It was found that (48.75% of orchardists had a high degree of understanding on mango marketing.

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