
Using swarm intelligence to obtain multiple optima in a single run simultaneously proved efficient for solving multimodal optimization problems (MOPs). However, the existing studies fail to resolve the contradiction between the required solution accuracy and the number of solutions. In this paper, an improved brain storm optimization (BSO) algorithm based on knowledge learning (KLBSO) is proposed as a solution to the problem. The properties of the improved algorithm and the domain knowledge of the problem are combined during the search process. Two factors need to be taken into account to solve a MOP: the accuracy and the diversity of the solution set. In the proposed algorithm, there are two learning approaches. Firstly, improving the learning method by replacing the perturbation operator of the random solution with the inter-solution learning of the worst solutions, improves the optimization ability of the algorithm. Secondly, by analyzing the MOPs, adding an archive set guarantees the solution’s diversity. To assess the efficiency of KLBSO, eight benchmark functions with various sizes and complexities were used. Comparing the results of KLBSO with those of state-of-the-art methods which are brain storm optimization algorithm (BSO), brain storm optimization algorithm in objective space (BSOOS), two kinds of pigeon-inspired optimization algorithms (PIO, PIOr), the comparison results show that the KLBSO is able to solve the contradiction between required solution accuracy and the number of solutions, and improves the outcomes where BSO is ranked first followed by the test algorithms.

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