
In a Learning Network, the autonomy of the learner, whether professional, hobbyist or amateur is taken as the starting point. This contrasts with other approaches in which a Learning Network is as an element in a design which embodies particular instructional principles (Squires 1999). In accordance with our view, a Learning Network offers learners opportunities to act that are on a par with the opportunities staff have in traditional, less learner-centred educational approaches. Learners are allowed to create their own learning activities, build their own learning plans, and share their learning activities and their learning plans with peers and institutions. Much as these are desirable features that strengthen learner autonomy, an unfortunate side-effect may be that autonomy rapidly degrades into isolation. Learners who do not feel socially embedded in a community will not thrive, to the detriment of their achievements and their appreciation of learning in a Learning Network setting. In general, individual success or failure on a learning activity depends on the extent to which learners perceive themselves as genuinely participating in a community (Wegerif et al. 1998). Open image in new window

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