
The special part in economy of knowledge is assigned to the hi-tech industry. Russian hi-tech industry includes primarily state-owned enterprises, whose purpose is the execution of the state order. According to the statistic, a large part of scientific-research and experimental-design works is produced during execution of the state order. Therefore, the main research question the following: how to estimate efficiency of knowledge creation at the state-owned enterprises. The purpose of the present study was to provide a methodology for assessment of the knowledge creation efficiency at the state-owned enterprises. This methodology was been based on measurement of the coefficient of intellectual share of the profits. This coefficient was calculated as change of the intellectual capital divided by change of profit. Relevance of research objectives is caused by need of optimization of the budgetary expenses on research and development. The article takes an eclectic methodological approach to piece together extant literature and to discover new empirical knowledge about knowledge creation. For estimation of the knowledge creation efficiency, authors use the data of intellectual capital (scientific publishing and inventive activity) during 2005-2013 at the state-owned Russian enterprise and compares them with data of expenses on research and development. Authors also carried out 10 in-depth interviews with experts from different innovative state-owned enterprises for understanding of features of knowledge management at the state enterprises. The theoretical importance of the conducted research is expansion of the methodological device of knowledge economy. The empirical results of the research confirm the fact the coefficient of intellectual share of the profits is the useful operational instrument for the strategic planning in innovative state-owned enterprises. In addition, the results of analysis using coefficient of intellectual share of the profits indicated that the change of the budgetary R&D expenses caused by a phase of a business cycle had a direct effect on knowledge creation efficiency. The research demonstrates the methodology for assessment of the knowledge creation efficiency can become the effective instrument of development of state innovative policy. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n4p475

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