
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) play a crucial role in modern education by providing users with largescale open online learning platforms. Substantial research has been conducted to reduce user learning blindness and improve user experience, particularly in personalized course recommendations based on graph neural networks. However, these efforts have focused primarily on fixed or homogeneous graphs, are vulnerable to data sparsity problems, and are difficult to scale. This study proposes to overcome this limitation using graph convolution on local subgraphs combined with an extended matrix factorization model. First, the proposed method decomposes the heterogeneous graph into multiple meta-path-based subgraphs and combines random wandering sampling methods to capture complex semantic relationships between entities while sampling nodes' influence-rich neighborhoods. Next, the attention mechanism adaptively fuses the contextual information of different subgraphs for a more comprehensive construction of user preferences. Experiments on publicly available MOOCs datasets reveal that the proposed model outperforms other benchmark models and is highly scalable while alleviating the data sparsity problem.

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