
Urban Development refers to many topics such as: increased population density, city size, and individual’s production, distribution of technology and the growth of commercial, industrial and service professions. Such development is linked to the coordination of social and cultural trends in order to achieve social progress and economical prosperity. Knowledge as a topic now is known as intellectual capital wich led to upgrae the concept of urban development to be extended into many fields of knowledge, for example, cultural, social and human development to move the level of community culture into a new better standard.
 The research adopted the urban transformation based on knowledge as an important factor in growth and development of contemporary cities. T he lack of studies regarding this was the research problem which led to a hypothesis set as (Knowledge-based urban development is an important tool in contemporary cities growth). Research aimed (to build a knowledge frame-work related to knowledge-based urban development impact on contemporary cities growth) through the following sequence:
 Creating a knowledge-based urban development literature review.
 Clarifying the relationship between the knowledge-based urban development and knowledge workers.
 Determining the theoretical framework to recognize level of impact of knowledge-based urban development on the city growth.
 Testing the hypothesis according to the theoretical framework in selecting designated cities such as Sydney & Melbourne were selected as a case study, since they represent good examples for knowledge cities.
 The research concluded that: knowledge-based urban development in cities depend on technical economic and community directories as a mechanism to achieve knowledge-based economy and build a new spatial relationship (Knowledge City).
 Keywords: knowledge-based urban development, knowledge, knowledge workers, knowledge-based economy, Knowledge City.
 Urban Development refers to many topics such as: increased population density, city size, and individual’s production, distribution of technology and the growth of commercial, industrial and service professions. Such development is linked to the coordination of social and cultural trends in order to achieve social progress and economical prosperity. Knowledge as a topic now is known as intellectual capital wich led to upgrae the concept of urban development to be extended into many fields of knowledge, for example, cultural, social and human development to move the level of community culture into a new better standard.
 The research adopted the urban transformation based on knowledge as an important factor in growth and development of contemporary cities. T he lack of studies regarding this was the research problem which led to a hypothesis set as (Knowledge-based urban development is an important tool in contemporary cities growth). Research aimed (to build a knowledge frame-work related to knowledge-based urban development impact on contemporary cities growth) through the following sequence:
 Creating a knowledge-based urban development literature review.
 Clarifying the relationship between the knowledge-based urban development and knowledge workers.
 Determining the theoretical framework to recognize level of impact of knowledge-based urban development on the city growth.
 Testing the hypothesis according to the theoretical framework in selecting designated cities such as Sydney & Melbourne were selected as a case study, since they represent good examples for knowledge cities.
 The research concluded that: knowledge-based urban development in cities depend on technical economic and community directories as a mechanism to achieve knowledge-based economy and build a new spatial relationship (Knowledge City).


  • Urban Development refers to many topics such as: increased population density, city size, and individual’s production, distribution of technology and the growth of commercial, industrial and service professions

  • Knowledge as a topic now is known as intellectual capital wich led to upgrae the concept of urban development to be extended into many fields of knowledge, for example, cultural, social and human development to move the level of community culture into a new better standard

  • T he lack of studies regarding this was the research problem which led to a hypothesis set as (Knowledge-based urban development is an important tool in contemporary cities growth)

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‫نستنتج من خلال ما تقدم في المحور السابق من اطار معرفي للد ارسات الحضرية ان التنمية الحضرية القائمة على المعرفة‬ ‫هي نتاج لنمو وتطور المدينة بوجود المعرفة كعامل اساسي ومن ثم بناء العلاقة المكانية الجديدة (مدينة المعرفة) باعتماد‬ ‫كل من التنمية المجتمعية المعتمدة على تنمية ارس المال البشري من خلال‪ :‬البنى التحتية الحضرية والمعرفية‪ ،‬جودة الحياة‬ ‫والمكان‪ ،‬زيادة مها ارت ومعارف السكان‪ ،‬وسائل ال ارحة‪ ،‬التعليم العالي‪ ،‬التجمعات السكانية‪ .‬والتنمية الاقتصادية المعتمدة على‬ ‫تنمية ارس المال المجتمعي من خلال‪ :‬انتاج وتوزيع العمل المعرفي‪ ،‬شركات المعرفة‪ ،‬العاملين في مجال المعرفة والفنانين‪،‬‬ ‫ابتكار المنتجات والخدمات‪ ،‬سوق المعرفة‪ ،‬المعرفة المالية‪ ،‬حقوق المعرفة الإنسانية‪ ،‬اعتماد الدولة للتقنيات الحديثة‪،‬‬ ‫التجميع‪ ،‬تنظيم المشاريع‪ ،‬الإنتاج الأكثر كفاءة مع وفو ارت الحجم‪ .‬اذا تعمل التنمية الحضرية القائمة على المعرفة بالاستناد‬ ‫الى مفردات الاطار المعرفي المستخلص لكل د ارسة على توفير ثلاث عوامل وهي مجتمع قائم على المعرفة يؤدي الى اقتصاد‬ ‫قائم على المعرفة باعتماد التقنيات الحديثة ومن ثم تنمية حضرية قائمة على المعرفة‪ ،‬تم التوصل الى اطار معرفي شامل‬ ‫للعوامل الثلاث السابقة ويمكن تصنيفها الى ثلاث توجهات‪ :‬التوجه المجتمعي‪ ،‬التوجه الاقتصادي‪ ،‬التوجه التقني‪ ،‬تحققها‬ ‫مفردات الاطار النظري الشامل للد ارسات الحضرية والآليات المعتمدة‪ ،‬وبذلك ارتبطت المفردة الاولى التوجه المجتمعي بتفعيل‬ ‫الجانب الذهني التكنلوجي وصولا الى مجتمع قائم على المعرفة‪ ،‬وارتبطت المفردة الثانية التوجه الاقتصادي بتفعيل الجانب‬ ‫الذهني المادي وصولا الى نتاج قائم على المعرفة‪ ،‬واخي ار ارتبطت المفردة الثالثة التوجه التقني بتفعيل الجانب وصولا الى بنية‬

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