
Abstract The “blue economy” idea promotes the responsible and sustainable use of coastal and marine resources. The need to balance the exploitation and economic use of these resources has moved to the top of the research agenda and management priorities for small island developing states (SIDS). SIDS face unique challenges due to their geographic, economic, and environmental characteristics. While the specific challenges can vary based on the individual SIDS, some common future challenges include (i) climate change and sea-level rise resulting from the increased frequency and intensity of storms and coastal erosion; (ii) natural disasters such as hurricanes, cyclones, tsunamis, and earthquakes, resulting in extensive damage, disruption of essential services, and lead to loss of lives and livelihoods; (iii) lack of sustainable development and economic diversification leading to reliance on few key sectors, such as tourism and agriculture, which are vulnerable to market fluctuations; (iv) energy security and renewable energy transition; as there is dependency on imported fossil fuels for their energy needs, price fluctuations and supply disruptions occurs; (v) biodiversity conservation and marine resource management; they host unique ecosystems and rich biodiversity, including coral reefs, mangroves, and marine species; and (vi) access to finance and technology; there are direct opportunities, for accessing funds to support technology development under sustainable finance projects. This themed article set attracted 14 submissions, 7 of which were accepted for publication. The topics covered fisheries, climate change effects, marine litter, and development of new technologies and finance mechanisms to support the SIDS. Overall, these contributions have emphasized the remarkable role that SIDS play in the protection and management of coastal and marine ecosystems, but also highlighted several needs and key priorities.

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