
Aim: To assess knowledge, practices and attitudes to health care ethics among Postgraduate Medical and Dental Students
 Materials and Methods: The total number of 180 post graduates students will be participated in the study during the Period of 6 months. This will be the Questionnaire based cross sectional study, carried within the span of 1st January 2020 to 30th June 2020. The pre validated questionnaire will be validated and then manually distributed among all the medical and dental post graduate students. After receiving the feedback of the questionnaires the data will be studied and resulted.
 Results: Postgraduate students in medical and dental education face various ethical dilemmas during their day to day working in their clinics. These ethics related doubts and issues will be cleared during their postgraduate life. The postgraduate students will be cleared with all the dilemmas and that will be useful for them throughout the clinical practices.
 Conclusion: The questionnaire feedback will be useful to the postgraduate students for their future clinical practice following the Ethics.

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