
Data derived from the Mundu Community Health Center Unit showed that the achievement of referrals was 2,419 (16%) which exceeded the target of the BPJS referral standard (15%). Primary health facilities that refer patients excessively will result in the accumulation of patients in hospitals and will have an impact on a the declining quality of health services . This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge, attitudes, facilities and BPJS patient referral. This was a quantitative study with cross sectional design. The population was BPJS patients as many as 15,005 people and the samples were 99 people collected with accidental sampling method. Data were obtained through interviews and documentation studies. The study instrument used here was s a questionnaire. Data analysis used chi square test. Based on the results of hypothesis test, it was found that there was a relationship between knowledge, attitude , infrastructure facilities and BPJS patient referral.

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