
The objective of this research is understanding the correlation of characteristics with level of knowledge, attitude, and practice of slaughterhouse management concerning hygiene, sanitation, and waste management. Research objects in this study are 3 types of slaughterhouse in Jakarta; pig, poultry, and ruminant slaughterhouse. The aim of this study is determine the correlation of knowledge, attitude, and practice characteristics of slaughterhouse management related to hygiene, sanitation, and waste management. Tools used are questionnaire to assess knowledge, attitude, and practices of slaughterhouse management. Data collected consist by questionnaire filled by slaughterhouse agency. Data were analysed with SPSS® to calculate characteristic and variables correlation. On pig slaughterhouse management, there is correlation between educational background with knowledge (P<0.05; r=-0.804). On ruminant slaughterhouse, there is a correlation between income level with practice (P<0.05; r=-0.804) and knowledge level with attitude (P<0.05; r=0.641). On poultry slaughterhouse, there is a clear correlation between educational level with knowledge (P<0.05; r=0.686), income level with knowledge (P<0.06; r=-0.802), educational level with attitude (P<0.05; r=0.716), frequency of training with attitude (P<0.05; r=-0.741), frequency of training with practice (P<0.05; r=0.758), and employment status with practice (P<0.05; r=0.127). Training and socialization frequency must be improved especially for ruminant slaughterhouse for it is the location with the least number of training and socialization. Education level requirement for employment must also be increased since education level has a clear correlation with knowledge.


  • Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara karakteristik dengan tingkat pengetahuan, sikap dan praktik pengelola rumah potong hewan terkait higine sanitasi dan pengelolaan limbah

  • The objective of this research is understanding the correlation of characteristics with level of knowledge, attitude, and practice of slaughterhouse management concerning hygiene, sanitation, and waste management

  • The aim of this study is determine the correlation of knowledge, attitude, and practice characteristics of slaughterhouse management related to hygiene, sanitation, and waste management

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Kesehatan masyarakat veteriner (kesmavet) merupakan rantai penghubung antara kesehatan hewan, produk hewan, kesehatan manusia, serta kesehatan lingkungan yang secara adalah segala urusan kesehatan hewan dan produk hewan yang secara langsung atau tidak langsung mempengaruhi kesehatan manusia. Kesmavet merupakan bagian penting dari aktivitas masyarakat untuk melindungi kesehatan dan ketentraman bathin masyarakat melalui penjaminan higiene dan sanitasi pada rantai produksi produk hewan

Sosiologi Tata Kelola Rumah Potong Hewan
Sosiologi Lingkungan Hidup di Rumah Potong Hewan
Kerangka Pemikiran
Tempat dan Waktu Penelitian
Teknik Pengambilan Sampel
Pengukuran Pengetahuan
Pengukuran Sikap
Pengukuran Praktik
Metode Analisis Data
Validitas Instrumen
Tinggi Total Lama Bekerja Baru Sedang Lama Total Pelatihan Jarang
Deskripsi Hubungan antara Pengetahuan dengan Sikap
Deskripsi Hubungan antara Pengetahuan dengan Praktik
Deskripsi Hubungan Sikap dengan Praktik
Praktik Sedang
Korelasi antara Pengetahuan dengan Sikap dan Praktik
Pengetahuan Sikap
Buruk Sedang Baik
Deskripsi Hubungan antara Sikap dengan Praktik
RPH Unggas Deskripsi Hubungan antara Pengetahuan dengan Sikap
Negatif Netral
Lama Bekerja
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