
Introduction: Green dentistry is an evolving practice that focuses on sustainability, prevention, and a minimally invasive, patient-centric approach. It aims to preserve the environment by reducing the ecological footprint of dental practices. The most common waste products used in dental practice are amalgams from restorative materials, radiographic chemicals, plastic/paper barriers, and disinfectant solutions, all of which can adversely affect the environment and human health. Aim of Study: Despite these pressing concerns, awareness and implementation of green dentistry among dental professionals in Saudi Arabia are lacking. This knowledge gap is particularly maximum among graduates and postgraduates, who possess limited understanding of green dentistry principles. The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge of green dentistry concepts and practices among dental professionals and identify the barriers and facilitators for promoting sustainable dental practice in the country. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional, questionnaire-based study conducted among 190 dental practitioners in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; the questionnaire was distributed online. Results: Among the 190 respondents, the majority were male practitioners (72%), with most of them holding master’s degrees (39.5%) and working as specialists (47%). The overall awareness of green dentistry was higher, and most dentists followed eco-friendly practices and proper waste disposal methods. Conclusion: Green dentistry is a multidisciplinary approach that emphasizes efficient resource practice within dental offices, thereby reducing the impact of dental practice on the environment through the adoption of eco-friendly practices.

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