
Introduction: There should be a gap between pregnancies for the sake of both mother and child. Post-partum contraceptive is required to delay pregnancy after delivery and to pursue family planning. Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to evaluate the knowledge and practice of post-partum contraceptives in pregnant women. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Khulna Medical College, Khulna, Bangladesh during the period from January 2019 to December 2020. Result: In this study, the mean age was 25.91 years (SD± 4.97 years) ranging between 16-39 years. In this study, most of the pregnant women (69%) did not get any postpartum FP during the hospital discharge. In this study, most of the pregnant women (77%) had ANC in their last pregnancy. In this study, most of the pregnant women (76%) did not get postpartum family planning counseling during ANC checkups. For most of the pregnant women (84%), the resumption of menstruation after the last pregnancy was less than 6 months. In this study, the current pregnancy of most of the study people (76%) was unplanned/unintended. There was no unplanned pregnancy loss (abortion) between last and current pregnancy for most of the pregnant women (80%). For most of the pregnant women (76%), the gap between last and current pregnancy was 1-2 years. In this study, most of the pregnant women (79%) did not have adequate knowledge and practice of contraceptives. Most of the pregnant women (14%) did not use any contraceptive due to a lack of knowledge. Followed by 10% did not use due to ignorance, 4% did not use due to irregular meetings with husband and 3% did not use as the family did not allow. In this study, most of the pregnant women (31%) did not use any method for postpartum contraceptives after the last pregnancy. Followed by, 20% used POP, 17% used condom, 15% used OCP, 10% used injection, 3% used PPIUD, 3% used LAM and 1% used implant. Conclusion: Most pregnant women do not have adequate knowledge and practice of contraceptives. Most pregnant women do not use any post-partum contraceptives. Women, using post-partum contraceptives, prefer POP, condoms, and OCP. The husband is the decision-maker for contraceptive usage in most cases.

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