
The aim of this chapter is to present issues related to knowledge management and knowledge flows in knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) companies in the light of empirical research. In the first part, the characteristics of the surveyed companies are described, with the services they offer, their routine vs. non-routine character and structure of the organization. Second, the perception of knowledge importance for the functioning of such companies and their competitive advantage is presented, together with issues related to knowledge distribution. Third, knowledge management practices used in KIBS companies are examined. Next, knowledge flows in KIBS firms are described, namely the perception of knowledge flows, types of knowledge flows in such organizations, flows between the KIBS firm and the client, knowledge flows vs. workflows, knowledge stuck and ways of overcoming this phenomena or technologies. An important part of this chapter concerns the factors influencing knowledge flows in KIBS companies. This chapter constitutes a novel contribution to the state of art on knowledge flows and their empirical perception in KIBS companies.

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