
Selection and allocation of space for intercropping in rubber plantations to maximize yield and minimum costs for individual farmers involves Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) and several conditions. The problem is that the information is scattered in many related agencies, there are separate stores and some data is redundant. In addition, the format of the data varies depending on the purpose of the data. The knowledge of selecting plants to grow in the rubber plantation is the tacit knowledge acquired from the experience of successful farmers in rubber plantations and from agricultural experts. Therefore, this research involves an Integrated Ontology-based knowledge and Multi-Objective Optimization model for intercropping Decision Support Systems (DSS). This article presents the knowledge and integrated data management model for developing the Intercropping in Rubber Plantations Ontology by using the Triangulation in the method to verify the accuracy of the data and results. Moreover, propose ways to create recommendation rules that are easy to rule update and maintenance. Using an ontology for DSS helps to recommended plants according to the appropriate environment of the farmer area by rule-based inference to represent logical reasoning. It could also be applied to another domain that requires Intelligent DSS for MCDM.

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