
INTRODUCTION: Malocclusion and TMD were believed to have a correlation when it is associated that the alteration of form might cause alteration in the stomatognathic system function. A multidisciplinary approach is particularly important for the successful treatment of chronic TMD cases. Management of TMD involves the work of dentists from various specialities. It is multifactorial in nature and requires proper examination and treatment planning. Thus, the primary purpose of this study is to find out the awareness of TMDs among postgraduate students. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY: The present study was retrospective in nature. A questionnaire involving TMDs was sent to all postgraduates involved in patient treatment through google forms. All participants were asked to anonymously answer the structured questionnaire containing multiple-choice and open-text questions in google forms. The questionnaire was specially developed for students and was organized into three sections. RESULTS: 204 participants responded and returned the completed questionnaires. Results showed that 98 % of the respondent’s occlusal disturbance causes TMD and TMJ problems are associated with malocclusion. The majority of the participants were aware of the aetiology and diagnosis but only 53% of them were aware of the treatment protocols. CONCLUSION: The causes and diagnosis domains of the questionnaire yielded a high degree of agreement while the treatment modalities were not known. Most of them were not aware of the treatment modalities reason being a lack of knowledge during the course of their undergraduate and postgraduate study.

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