
Aim: It is known that in cases of cardiac arrest, the chance of survival rates increases by 2-3 times with the bystander basic life support (BLS). Considering that children who spend a significant part of the day apart from their families at school have their teachers with them, it is understood how important the BLS knowledge and skills of teachers are. In our study, we analyzed the knowledge of primary, secondary and high school teachers about BLS and their thoughts about this training.
 Material and Method: The study was conducted by face-to-face interview with 200 primary/secondary school and high school teachers working in Istanbul in 2019. The teachers participating in the study were evaluated with questionnaires related to their demographic characteristics, their level of knowledge about BLS and their thoughts about BLS training. Correct answers and “yes” answers were calculated with 1 point, incorrect answers and “no” answers were calculated with 0 points.
 Results: In the BLS information levels survey of female participants, it was found that they scored statistically lower for questions “Do you know emergency medical service number?” and “Emergency medical service call-up in critical condition” (p˂0.05). Again, female participants had a lower score in the answers to all questions in the BLS application/education request questionnaire according to their gender (p˂0.05). Participants who had previously received BLS training were found to score higher on certain questions in BLS knowledge levels and BLS application/training request questionnaires. 
 Conclusion: In the study, it was found that primary/secondary and high school teachers lack the available BLS information. It was determined that people who have been trained in this subject are more willing to BLS training and applications than people who have not been trained in BLS.

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