
Ships have long been sites for outbreaks of infectious diseases, particularly gastrointestinal diseases. The ship environment has the potential to facilitate the spread of such diseases, infecting susceptible cohorts of embarked passengers and crew. Gastrointestinal disorders among seafarers are fairly common and usually represent the first or second cause of requests for medical assistance aboard ships in international waters. The purpose of this study was to evaluate food safety and the level of knowledge among food service personnel on board merchant ships, where food handlers could be a cause of health problems for all crew members. An anonymous self-administered questionnaire containing specific questions about food hygiene and safety knowledge was administered. The overall score of correct answers for the food safety aspects tested was 51.77 (SD 3.87) out of 76 points, corresponding to 68.12% of questions answered correctly. Food workers who followed a training course showed higher mean knowledge score (p < 0.05) compared to not-trained workers. The most relevant significant differences (p < 0.05) were noticeable in the personal hygiene, cross-contamination, safe storage, and knowledge of foodborne pathogens sections. Food services staff on board cargo ships should be adequately trained and should understand basic and fundamental aspects of food hygiene, related pathologies and sanitation, as they are responsible for the health and wellbeing of many seafarers.

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