
The Utilization of nuclear technology has an inherent risk due to its radiation hazards that may trigger nuclear technology failure disasters. The government agency designated for coordinating disasters management activities in Indonesia is BNPB. As knowledge on nuclear hazards will influence attitudes and concerns for preparedness towards nuclear disaster, the research aimed to analyse the knowledge and attitudes of the BNPB leaders towards nuclear disaster threat in Indonesia. A case study qualitative method was used to explore and analyse the knowledge and attitudes of the BNPB leaders towards nuclear disaster threat in Indonesia. The research used knowledge and attitudes indicators for dealing with nuclear disaster threat derived from the natural disaster preparedness parameters, developed by LIPI-UNESCO / ISDR (2006), and the nuclear emergency preparedness requirements, develop by the IAEA (2015). In general, the results showed that the knowledge and attitudes of the BNPB leaders are sufficient (56.25%). While knowledge of causes, potential, types of events that may trigger nuclear disaster is sufficient, on the other hand, the attitudes towards nuclear disaster risk is still deficient. Thus, increasing the knowledge and attitudes on nuclear disaster threat, there is a need BNPB to enhance its role as the disaster coordinator to include coordination of exchange of information and knowledge of nuclear hazards with other related ministries/ agencies, such as BAPETEN and BATAN, into its program.

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