
This study was conducted in Lunkarsar block of Bikaner district of Rajasthan. Total ninety farmers were interviewed from ten villages and data were collected regarding knowledge and adoption of farmers about management of pod borer chickpea as dependant variables. The findings of the study shows that the majority respondents (47.78%) was found at medium level of knowledge and whereas in the case of adoption, more than half of respondents (62.22%) had high level of adoption followed by 36.67% and 25.56% respondents in medium and low level of adoption of recommended practices of pod borer control in chickpea. Therefore in practice, knowledge and adoption of farmers, it was observed that even though cultural, mechanical and physical practices wereknown to most of the respondents, but its adoption was not remarkable. Some of the farmers partially adopted these practices which could not give effective control of pod borer. Non-adoption was reported by 71.11% respondents. In relational analysis, education, annual income, extension contacts and innovativeness were highly and significantly correlated with knowledge and adoption of farmers. Adoption of pod borer management was associated with knowledge level of farmers and was found to be significant and positive.

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