
Aim. To evaluate knowledge about contraception and the harms of abortion, and the young students’ attitude to a family creation.
 Methods. The study object was students of colleges and secondary technical schools in Samara. The study method was questionnaire survey. 754 questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS 21 package.
 Results. About 80% of students are aware of the getting pregnant possibility as a result of a single sexual encounter and that the condom is a reliable mean of protection against both unintented pregnancy and the human immunodeficiency virus and other sexually transmitted diseases. A little more than half of respondents (55%) know about emergency contraception, the awareness level increases with age - from 42% in 15-year-olds to 73% in 19-year-olds. In total 36% of students are aware of the high reliability of combined oral contraceptives: 22% - among 15-year-olds, 47% - among 19-year-olds. Only 40% of students are aware that coitus interruptus is unreliable method of contraception, and the informed students proportion increases with age from 36 to 52%. Understanding that protection according to the menstrual cycle is an inefficient mean of contraception increases with age from 22% among 15-year-olds to 44% among students aged 19 years and older, accounting for 31% of all respondents. 7% of sexually active students have undergone abortion, and 3% - more than once. Contraceptive awareness analysis showed that the knowledge level among students who denied sex increases with age not as essentially as in the general group.
 Conclusion. Knowledge about the particular mean of contraception reliability do not depend on age, but on the intimate contacts experience; there is a need in additional education of secondary specialized educational institutions students by medical professionals on safe sex and the prevention of unintended pregnancy before sex life onset.

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