
An explosive growth in the volume, velocity, and variety of the data available on the Internet has been witnessed recently. The data originated from multiple types of sources including mobile devices, sensors, individual archives, social networks, Internet of Things, enterprises, cameras, software logs, health data has led to one of the most challenging research issues of the big data era. In this paper, Knowle—an online news management system upon semantic link network model is introduced. Knowle is a news event centrality data management system. The core elements of Knowle are news events on the Web, which are linked by their semantic relations. Knowle is a hierarchical data system, which has three different layers including the bottom layer (concepts), the middle layer (resources), and the top layer (events). The basic blocks of the Knowle system—news collection, resources representation, semantic relations mining, semantic linking news events are given. Knowle does not require data providers to follow semantic standards such as RDF or OWL, which is a semantics-rich self-organized network. It reflects various semantic relations of concepts, news, and events. Moreover, in the case study, Knowle is used for organizing and mining health news, which shows the potential on forming the basis of designing and developing big data analytics based innovation framework in the health domain.

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