
AbstractSelf-regulated learning (SRL) encompasses cognitive, metacognitive, and motivational learning strategies and is highly relevant for academic achievement. Although students have mostly acquired high-level SRL strategy knowledge by the time they reach college, they often show deficiencies in their application of SRL strategies. In order to investigate the gap between SRL strategy knowledge and its application in more depth, it is necessary to develop instruments that assess conditional SRL strategy knowledge for the whole learning process with sufficient validity and reliability. Therefore, based on four distinct studies conducted in Germany, the development and validation of a new Strategy Knowledge Test for Self-Regulated Learning (SKT-SRL) for college students are described. Study 1 describes the development of the test and the results of expert ratings that speak in favour of the test’s content validity. Study 2, the pilot study, was undertaken to gain insight into the psychometric characteristics of the SKT-SRL, examine its relationship to other SRL assessment methods and academic achievement, and reach a sense of its validity. Studies 3 and 4 present the results of two validation studies for the SKT-SRL; they investigated its psychometric characteristics, convergent validity, factorial structure, test–retest reliability, and its relationship to academic achievement as well as other study-relevant factors. Overall, the results are promising and the SKT-SRL mostly showed sufficiently valid assessments. To conclude, the SKT-SRL is a useful tool for analysing conditional SRL strategy knowledge in college students and can be used for further research on the relationship between SRL strategy knowledge and strategy usage.

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