
In this paper we investigate the relationship between isotopy classes of knots and links in S and the di€eomorphism types of homeomorphic smooth 4-manifolds. As a corollary of this initial investigation, we begin to uncover the surprisingly rich structure of di€eomorphism types of manifolds homeomorphic to the K3 surface. In order to state our theorems we need to view the Seiberg-Witten invariant of a smooth 4-manifold as a multivariable (Laurent) polynomial. To do this, recall that the Seiberg-Witten invariant of a smooth closed oriented 4-manifold X with b2 X † > 1 is an integer valued function which is de®ned on the set of spinc structures over X , (cf. [W], [KM], [Ko1], [T1]). In case H1 X ;Z† has no 2-torsion (which will be the situation in this paper) there is a natural identi®cation of the spinc structures of X with the characteristic elements of H2 X ;Z†. In this case we view the Seiberg-Witten invariant as

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