
Transcription factors (TFs), transcription co-factors (TcoFs) and their target genes perform essential functions in diseases and biological processes. KnockTF 2.0 (http://www.licpathway.net/KnockTF/index.html) aims to provide comprehensive gene expression profile datasets before/after T(co)F knockdown/knockout across multiple tissue/cell types of different species. Compared with KnockTF 1.0, KnockTF 2.0 has the following improvements: (i) Newly added T(co)F knockdown/knockout datasets in mice, Arabidopsis thalianaand Zea mays and also an expanded scale of datasets in humans. Currently, KnockTF 2.0 stores 1468 manually curated RNA-seq and microarray datasets associated with 612 TFs and 172 TcoFs disrupted by different knockdown/knockout techniques, which are 2.5 times larger than those of KnockTF 1.0. (ii) Newly added (epi)genetic annotations for T(co)F target genes in humans and mice, such as super-enhancers, common SNPs, methylation sitesand chromatin interactions. (iii) Newly embedded and updated search and analysis tools, including T(co)F Enrichment (GSEA), Pathway Downstream Analysisand Search by Target Gene (BLAST). KnockTF 2.0 is a comprehensive update of KnockTF 1.0, which provides more T(co)F knockdown/knockout datasets and (epi)genetic annotations across multiple species than KnockTF 1.0. KnockTF 2.0 facilitates not only the identification of functional T(co)Fs and target genes but also the investigation of their roles in the physiological and pathological processes.

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