
Rivers are known to respond to changes in the rate of rock uplift by propagating knickpoints through the fluvial network. Downstream of knickpoints, river incision increases local relief producing also the steepening of hillslopes. Thus, knickpoints convey information about the amount of rock uplift to which the fluvial system must respond. Because the incisional pulse produced by the rapid rock uplift is recorded in the topography of channels, the analysis of longitudinal profiles can be used for evaluating the response of landscape to tectonic activity. Here we analyse the longitudinal profile of rivers (n = 84) and the river basin topography (n = 72) with the aim of unravelling the evolution of the Amatlán de Cañas half-graben (ACHG), a Plio-Quaternary structure located in the northern sector of the Jalisco Block (west-central Mexico). Our results indicate that two rock uplift pulses formed the footwall of the ACHG. The distance of knickpoint retreat from the fault scarp exhibit a strong correlation with the stream length (R2 = 0.80), highlighting the importance of stream discharge on knickpoint migration. Clustering of high values of relief, river incision and normalised channel steepness index (ksn) around the centre of the footwall confirms that this is the zone of maximum throw. The propagation of knickpoints along Ameca river is producing the degradation of fans and relief rejuvenation. Using compiled data of knickpoint retreat rates of other tectonically active landscapes, it was found that the stream discharge and the timing and rate of rock uplift are together a first order control on the rate of knickpoint recession. This study supports the idea that the understanding of knickpoints is crucial to unravel the evolution of tectonically active landscapes.

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