
Many tasks, sports or leisure activities require maximal knee flexion. We hypothesized that this position could result in reduced calf perfusion, in young European subjects. We quantified calf ischemia resulting from the knee flexion with transcutaneous oxygen pressure (TcpO2) sensors by assessing the decrease from rest of TcpO2 (DROP) defined as limb changes minus chest changes. A minimal DROP (DROPm) <-15mmHg defines the presence of ischemia. From the crawling position, participants kneeled for 3min while bending as in prostration/prayer position (P). Thirty-five participants repeated this maneuver a second time, while 7 participants were also required to sit on their heels with the torso in the vertical position to attain knee flexion without significant groin flexion (S). In 41 healthy young volunteers (30 males), 25 [20-31] years old, 37 patients showed a DROPm < -15mmHg from "R" to "P" in one (n = 4) or both (n = 33) calves (90.2%; 95% CI 76.9-97.3). After backward regression of the DROPm, there was no significant association with side, body weight of systolic blood pressure. However, age was strongly associated with DROPm (OR 5.34 [2.45-8.69]) so that DROPm was significantly higher in older, with a correlation ρ = 0.31 (p = 0.003). Kneeling dramatically reduces calf perfusion, likely through popliteal artery kinking, possibly through muscle crushing. Eastern lifestyle includes routine flexed position since childhood. Whether or not such a chronic training reduces the risk of kneeling-induced ischemia in adults is unknown to date.

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