
Gypsies experience prejudgments even from the other minority groups in the society which they live with their cultural and individual characteristics. Gypsies experience some attitudes in the Western lands which they migrated, like; suppression, oppression, assimilation, severe penalties, and even getting killed in the period of times. Gypsies meet social policies which have an attitude to include them with their cultures and needs in our times. Gypsy citizens who became organized as a civil society, form associations and cooperate with various institutions have a very important role during this improvement process. The aim of this study is to evaluate the most actual document arranged in the coordination of the Ministry of Family and Social Policies, “Social Inclusion National Strategy Paper (2016-2021) and First Stage Action Plan (2016-2018) for the Gypsy Citizens in Turkey” which includes the social policies intended to solve Gypsy citizens’ problems and offer suggestions. The Strategic Paper and the Action Plan includes the road map for the actions of the responsible institutions besides proposed solutions. The Strategic Paper and the Action Plan are a constructive starting point for the solutions of Gypsy citizens’ problems, with its operational process, actors, and comprehensiveness.

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