
Extravasal application of chemo-therapeutic agents may cause necrosis of surrounding tissue. Often tendons, nerves and muscles are destroyed. In some cases a surgical excision with an additional coverage is indicated. In the last ten years we have treated 44 patients with necrosis after extravasation. The defects were mostly localised at the hand or distal forearm, but the cubital fossa and the thorax were affected, too. Excision of the infiltrated tissue was performed and the defect covered with local or free flaps, split skin graft or primary closure. In nearly all cases a stable coverage was achieved. An amputation of the hand was never necessary. Patients with immunosuppression or comorbidity sometimes had wound-healing difficulties that in some cases necessitated further operations. Serious complications were in one case a flap necrosis and another patient died 2 days after the operation because of his nephrotic syndrome. Chemotherapy extravasation is an important oncological complication that may cause permanent functional disability of the anatomic region. A variety of free and local flaps with tolerable donor site morbidity can be used for -coverage. We prefer a two-step procedure with radical resection of the area and conditioning of the wound with vacuum therapy or temporary wound coverage and in the next step the definitive wound closure. Conservative treatment is -often followed by a high rate of complications. Early radical debridement and coverage with an adequate flap offers a cure with good functional results.

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