
The nameKlebsiella ornithinolytica sp. nov. is proposed for a group ofKlebsiella strains referred to previously as NIH Group 12 at the National Institute of Health, Tokyo. The members of this species are Gram-negative, encapsulated, nonmotile rods with the general characteristics of the familyEnterobacteriaceae and of the genusKlebsiella. They give positive results in tests for indole production, Voges-Proskauer, citrate utilization, lysine and ornithine decarboxylases, urease, β-galactosidase, malonate utilization, growth in KCN, and esculin hydrolysis, and they produce acid and gas fromd-glucose, and acid froml-arabinose, cellobiose, lactose, melibiose, raffinose, rhamnose, sucrose, trehalose,d-xylose, adonitol,d-arabitol, myo-inositol, sorbitol, arbutin, salicin, α-methyl-d-glucoside, and mucate. They give negative drolysis, DNase, pectinase, and acid production fromd-arabinose, melezitose, and dulcitol. They can grow at 4°C and 42°C, and do not produce any pigment. DNA relatedness of eight strains ofKlebsiella ornithinolytica to three strains including the type strain of this species averaged 88% in reaction at 75°C. DNA relatedness to the already recognizedKlebsiella species inEnterobacteriaceae was 1 to 20%. Phenotypic and DNA relatedness data also indicated that a group of organisms referred to as Enteric Group 47 orKlebsiella Group 47 at the Centers for Disease Control (Atlanta, Georgia) was identical withK. ornithinolytica. The type strain ofK. ornithinolytica is NIH 90-72 (JCM 6096).

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