
If the civil relations with the foreign element have a weak connection with a state whose law has been determined as applicable by the choice of law rule, but significantly closer connection to the law of another country, then the exception clause will apply, without taking into account the above mentioned applicable law. Our legislation in the field of Private International Law does not yet know this clause, but it is envisaged in the Draft Act on Private International Law of Serbia. The paper analyses the justification of the application of the exception clause, which changes the legal nature of the choice of law rule, and favours the facts relating to the civil relations themselves as elements that determine the applicable law. The author also addresses the regulation of this clause in individual countries, whether within or outside the EU. Almost all countries similarly regulate this institute. The exception clause is, mostly, defined in a general way. Likewise, most legislation provides that this clause will not apply in the case of a choice of law by the parties. After all, the paper also analyses in particular the possibility of applying this clause in contractual relations with a foreign element. The author concludes that the exception clause must not be equalized with institutes of private international law such as: renvoi, fraus legis, public policy, proper law theory, etc. Namely, these institutes, also, lead to the application of a different right to that determined by the choice of law rule, but for other reasons, which are related to the violation of the law.


  • S druge strane, exemption clause označava klauzulu kojom se ograničava ili isključuje odgovornost stranke za povredu obaveze iz ugovora

  • These institutes, lead to the application of a different right to that determined by the choice of law rule, but for other reasons, which are related to the violation of the law

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Opšte i posebne klauzule odstupanja

Klauzule odstupanja bi trebalo da daju veća ovlašćenja sudijama (ili drugim organima koji primenjuju kolizione norme) koji, u izuzetnim slučajevima, koriguju zakon, odnosno kolizionu normu. Posebne klauzule odstupanja mogu da budu različito definisane, čak i u istom izvoru prava, dok se opšte formulišu na identičan ili sličan način Klauzule odstupanja ne nalazimo samo u zakonima već i u međunarodnim ugovorima, pa i u sudskoj praksi onih zemalja koje u svom zakonodavstvu ne poznaju ovu klauzulu. Da li će se definisati posebne klauzule odstupanja, zavisi od toga kako su kolizione norme definisane, odnosno koliko su one opšte Opšta definicija klauzule sa izuzetkom, koji se tiče autonomije volje, prisutna je u većini zakonodavstava, ali je sigurno da ona, u potpunosti, ne odgovara cilju koji se ovom klauzulom želi postići, a to je pravednost odlučivanja putem određivanja merodavnog prava države koja je blisko povezana sa građanskopravnim odnosom

Klauzula odstupanja u stvarnopravnim odnosima
Regulisanje klauzule odstupanja u pojedinim međunarodnim izvorima i aktima EU
Klauzula odstupanja u aktima EU
Klauzula odstupanja i autonomija volje - exception clause i exemption clause
Teorija proper law i klauzula odstupanja
Klauzula odstupanja i imperativnost kolizione norme
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