
Turkish Abstract: Kizildeniz’in en stratejik noktalarindan biri Habesistan aciklarindaki Dehlek adalar toplulugudur. Islâmiyet, adalara 702 yilinda ulasir. Emeviler doneminde mucrimler, siyasi ve ahlaki suclular ile burokrasiden el cektirilenlerin surgun yeri olan Dehlek-i Kebir, Abbasiler doneminde de ayni amacla kullanildi. Burasi, Kizildeniz’in en islek limani Sevâkin’e yakin olmasi sebebiyle Hindistan ve Misir arasindaki deniz ticareti ve Yemen icin onemli bir noktaydi. Dehlek, ayrica Becce (Becâ/Beja) kabilelerine mensup bazi Habeslilerin korsanlik faaliyetleri icin onemli bir siginakti. Ada, IX. Yuzyilda Abbasi idaresinden cikarak, Yemen’deki mahalli hanedanlarin eline gecti. Daha sonra bazen Habesistan’da guclenen Hiristiyan krallara, bazen de Misir’daki Musluman sultanlara tâbi oldu. 1093-1250 yillari arasinda Dehlek Sultanligi adiyla kendi mahalli meliklerince yonetildi. Osmanlilarin yardimlariyla 1526’da butun Habesistan’i hâkimiyeti altina alan Harar Emiri Ahmed Gran (o.1543) yerel sultanliklari korudu ve bu durum 1557’de Turklerin gelip Portekizlileri bu topraklardan cikartmasina kadar surdu. Suleyman I doneminde(1520-1566), Cerkes Ozdemir Pasa(o.1561) eliyle hâkimiyet altina alinan adalarin idaresi, Habes Eyaleti’nin kurulmasiyla buranin tahsisatina eklendi. Kizildeniz’in en islek limani Musavva’nin bir kazasi konumundaki Dehlek, XVII. yuzyilda da ticaret yolunun en islek noktalarindan biri olmayi surdurdu. 1865 yilinda padisahin fermaniyla Musavva ve Sevâkin ile birlikte Misir emlâkine dâhil edilinceye kadar Habes Eyaleti’ne bagli kalan Dehlek’i, 1885 yilinda Italya isgal etti. Gunumuzde Dehlek’i sinirlari icinde bulunduran Eritre, Nisan 1993’te referandumla bagimsizligini elde etse de Israil’in peyki olma ihtimali hala sicakligini korumaktadir. English Abstract: Of the most strategic islands in Red Sea is Dahlak archipelago off the coast of Ethiopia. The introduction of Islam to Dahlak islands in a considerably early period. The Grand Dahlak Island was used as a place of exile for culprits, political and moral criminals during the reign of both Umayyads and Abbasids. This place was an important point in maritime trade between India and Egypt and a bridgehead for Yemen especially because it was closest to Sawakin-one of the busiest ports in Red Sea. Also Dahlak Islands were an important haven for piracy activities of some Ethiopians from Becce (Becâ/Beja) tribes in Red Sea and neighboring islands. After Abbasids lost control in IXth century, Dahlak was captured by local dynasties in Yemen. Afterwards it sometimes subjected to Christian kings getting stronger in Ethiopia and at other times to Muslim sultans in Egypt. From 1093 to 1250 more than 150 years “Dahlak Sultanate” was governed by their own local meliks (kings). With the help of Ottomans the Harar Ruler Ahmed Gran (d. 1543) took control of the whole Ethiopia and became the protector of local sultanates and this situation lasted until Turks came and banished Portuguese from these lands in 1557. The rule of Dahlak Islands which was taken control by Circassian Ozdemir (d.1561) Pasha during the conquest of Yemen in the reign of Suleiman I (Suleiman the Magnificent/1520-1566) was given to Ethiopian State (1555) as a subvention after it was founded. Dahlak as a town of Massawa, one of the busiest ports in Red Sea, continued to be one of hectic points in maritime trade in Red Sea during XVIIth century. During the reign of Khedive Ismail Pasha until it was added to the realm of Egypt together with Massawa and Sawakin in 1865 through the sultan's decree, it was owned by Ethiopian State and invaded by Italy in 1885. Today Eritrea, which encompasses Dahlak, gained independence in April 1993 through referendum though it is still likely to be a satellite of Israel.

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