
As we know that cryptography is a technique to transmit the data or message in a secure manner so that only authorized user is allowed to read the message. To do this, there are two ways, first one is symmetric encryption and second is asymmetric encryption or public key encryption. In cryptography, encryption and decryption always need some secret information, referred to key. Some algorithm uses the same key for encryption and decryption known as secret key or symmetric encryption while some uses a pair of key, one for encryption and other for decryption. So the key must be kept secret so that unauthorized user cannot decrypt the message. There are three important terms that are related to cryptography, the first one is key generation process, second is encryption process, and third is decryption process. Many algorithms have been proposed for the above three parameters. Some algorithms have good result in encryption and decryption process but very few algorithms are available for the secrecy of the key and we know that the strength of any cryptographic technique is fully dependent on the key. So the objective of this paper is to develop a new approach known as Kryptos key generation to provide security to the key at generation time. The term Kryptos is a Greek word whose meaning is hidden that means this key generation process is only known to sender. Modern cryptography concerns itself with the four objectives: confidentiality, integrity, non-repudiation, and authentication. The proposed algorithm fulfills above four objectives in an efficient manner. The proposed technique when well implemented and used will reduce the attacks on key generation. It will also ensure that key generation will be securely integrated as well as authenticated. This work will contain proposed technique as well as the implementation of test data.

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