
Small and medium-sized businesses, unlike large enterprises, are usually managed by the business owner. When management skills and technology related equipment of these managers are not as sufficient as the large enterprise managers, it may be inevitable for the enterprises to make strategic mistakes in the decisionmaking processes to sustain their lives. In this study, due to the inadequacy of the tools to assist the decisionmaking process of small scale enterprises that do not have the opportunities that large enterprises have, a simple and free of charge Turkish software with a user-friendly interface that can be used by every manager has been proposed. For this purpose, instead of dealing with small and medium-sized enterprises in general, one sector has explicitly been focused on and small hotels with these features within the hotel sector were chosen. In line with proposed software, in this study, it is intended to obtain a flexible decision support system that is easy to use and can be adapted to any sector with similar characteristics and will help small hotel managers make effective decisions and update information at the strategic planning stage.

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