
POETRY Two Poems BriceidaCuevas Cob Kite Memory is a kite. Little by little you let itgo, enjoying its flight. At itsheight the stringofyourmemory breaks and you sitandwatch as thedistance possesses it. Baaxal Tuuch'bil Ju'un K'aasaje baaxal tuuch'bil ju'un ku xik'nal. Teech choolik junjunp'iti, kiimak a uol tuxik'nal. Ken jach kanchake ku teep'el u s?umil a k'ajlaye ka kutal a chant u payk'abtal rumenn?achil. Papalote El recuerdo es un papalote. Poco a poco le sueltas, disfrutas su vuelo. En lom?s alto se rompe el hilo de tu memoria y tesientas a presenciar corno loposee ladistancia. Briceida Cuevas Cob was born in 1969 inTepakan, Calkim, inthe province of Campeche on the Yucatan Peninsula. She writes inboth Yucatec Maya and Spanish languages. Her poetry has been published in several literary magazines and newspapers in Quitana Roo, Campeche, Yucatan, and Mexico City. A member of the literarygroup Genali since 1992, she participated inthe Poetry Workshops inthe Mayan Tongue at the arts center of Calkim, coordinated byWaldemar Noh Tzec, from 1992 to 1994. In 1996 she received a scholarship from the Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y lasArtes para Escritores en Lenguas Indi'genas and isa founding member of the Asociaci?n de Escritores en Lenguas Indi'genas inMexico. In2002 she took part in the Poetry International Festival Rotterdam and has also participated inconferences and symposia on indigenous language and literature inSpain, France, the United States, and Mexico. She has given extensive readings worldwide, including Harvard University, the Guggenheim Museum, and the National Museum of the American Indian in New York City. i61World Literature Today ...

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