
This research is about writing error analysis based on Rusydi Ahmad Thuaimah's the- ory which aims to analyze writing errors in students of Islamic Education in 3rd semester 2018-2019 UMSIDA. Respondents in this study were students of PAI 3rd semester 2018- 2019. Data collection in this study uses documentation methods, questionnaires, and literature studies. The results of this study are factors in writing (Imlak) of 3rd semester students of islamic studies in 2018-2019 UMSIDA, Factor internal language: Not yet know the writing of harakat hijaiyah properly and correctly, difficulty in distinguishing hijaiyah let- ters with almost the same pronunciation, difficulty in distinguishing letters that are spoken with written ones. The solution to the obstacles faced by students of islamic studies in 3rd semester 2018-2019 UMSIDA in Maharah Kitabah (Imlak) is by building a mindset and easy motivation and being able to write Arabic words or sentences in accordance with the correct rules, making students familiar with imlak by maximizing the lecture time, given concepts related to the absolute rules correctly.


  • This research is about writing error analysis based on

  • difficulty in distinguishing letters that are spoken with written ones

  • The solution to the obstacles faced by students of islamic studies

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Analisa Kesalahan Kitabah Berbasis Teori Rusydi Ahmad Thuaimah

This research is about writing error analysis based on Rusydi Ahmad Thuaimah's theory which aims to analyze writing errors in students of Islamic Education in 3rd semester 2018-2019 UMSIDA. The results of this study are factors in writing (Imlak) of 3rd semester students of islamic studies in 2018-2019 UMSIDA, Factor internal language: Not yet know the writing of harakat hijaiyah properly and correctly, difficulty in distinguishing hijaiyah letters with almost the same pronunciation, difficulty in distinguishing letters that are spoken with written ones. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah mahaiswa PAI semester 3 2018-2019. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Factor intern bahasa : Belum mengetahui penulisan harakat hijaiyah secara baik dan benar, kesulitan dalam membedakan huruf hijaiyah yang pengucapannya hampir sama, kesulitan dalam membedakan huruf yang diucapkan dengan yang ditulis. Solusi dari kendala yang dihadapi Mahasiswa Prodi PAI Semester 3 2018-2019 UMSIDA dalam Maharah Kitabah (Imlak) yaitu dengan membangun mindset dan motivasi mudah dan bisa dalam menulis kata atau kalimat bahasa arab sesuai dengan kaidah yang benar

Kitabah Error Analysis
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