
Abstract. To characterize the nonbreeding habitat of Kirtland's Warbler (Dendroica kirtlandii) on Eleuthera, The Bahamas, we quantified the habitat at sites where we captured the warblers and compared these traits with those of random sites and sites of tall coppice. On the basis of a chronosequence of satellite imagery, 153 capture sites ranged in age from 3 to 28 years after human disturbance, mean 14.6 years ± 6.3 (SD). Capture sites had been abandoned after clearing (65%), converted to goat pasture (26%), burned (2%), or were young second growth following unknown disturbance (7%). Canopies in 104 capture plots were lower (mean 1.8 m) than canopies in random plots (mean 2.7 m) and plots of late-successional tall coppice (mean 6.3 m). At seven sites mean foliage density in capture plots was consistently greatest at 0.5 to 1.0 m height, but the sites were heterogeneous for other foliage-height classes <3 m and for time since disturbance, canopy height, stem density, and five ground-cover traits. Plots di...

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