
Anahtar sözler: Kuzey Kafkas, Osmanlı, Rus, Şeyh Şâmil, Kırım Savaşı Correspondence between the Ottomans and Sheikh Shamil during the Crimean War: in the light of archival documents Summary Our aim in this research is to discuss the correspondence with the Ottoman State during the Crimean War, as well as the opposition of Sheikh Shamil, with whom the Russians encountered during their invasion of the North Caucasus. Crimea is a Turkish country, has historically been a place of invasion by various foreign forces due to its geographical location and strategic location. The growing appetite of the Tsarist Russian Empire, the main purpose of which was to capture Istanbul and the right to vote in the straits, led to the beginning of the Crimean War. The Russian leadership began the war, by taking advantage of the privileges granted by the Ottomans to Christians Catholics in Jerusalem, the Armenians in Anatolia and the Greek Greeks. Although the Ottomans ended their relations with the Russians, but the Russian army went on a new offensive. Despite the fact that they did not openly declare war, they captured Eflak (Romania) and Bogdan (Moldova). On October 4, 1853, the Ottoman State declared war on Tsarist Russia. On the other hand, as far as the interests and power of the Ottoman State in Crimea were weakened, the Turkish rulers approached the Russians and over time fell victim to the Russian leadership's plan. Key words: North Caucasian, Ottoman, Russia, Sheikh Shamil, Crimean War

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