
Crucial image resolution may be lost when spatially aliased data are imaged with Kirchhoff algorithms that employ standard antialiasing methods. To maximize resolution, I introduce a method that enables the proper imaging of some aliased components in the data, while avoiding aliasing artifacts. The proposed method is based on a detailed analysis of the different types of aliasing that affect Kirchhoff imaging. In particular, it is based on the observation that operator aliasing depends on the dip spectrum of the data. A priori knowledge on the characteristics of the dip spectrum of the data, in particular on its asymmetry, can thus be exploited to enable “imaging beyond aliasing.” The method is not of general applicability, but it successfully improves the image resolution when a priori assumptions on the data dips are realistic. The imaging of salt‐dome flanks in the Gulf of Mexico has been enhanced by the application of the proposed method.

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