
In this work, we report results from the study of a filament/prominence eruption on 2014 May 4. This eruption belongs to the class of rarely reported causally linked eruptions of two coupled flux tubes (FTs) of a quiet region filament. We made a comparative analysis based on multiwave observations from Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) A and B combining the high temporal and spatial data taken from three different viewpoints. The main results of the study are as follows: (1) The source of the eruptive prominence consists of two coupled FTs located near the eastern limb: top-located one (FT1) and bottom-located one (FT2). (2) FT1 and FT2 had the same helicity, i.e. left-handed twist and writhe. Their untwisting motion during eruption suggests that kink instability seems to act. (3) The kinematic evolution of the FT1 suggests a slow successful eruption that was associated with a slow CME. (4) The FT2 exhibited failed kinked eruption with a non-radial propagation followed by its reformation. This eruption was accompanied of apparent mass draining in the legs, flare-ribbons and post-flare EUV arcade.

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